Friday, October 17, 2008

How a Wonderfull and Shocking PMR past
It was this year make me study most in my LIF3
Now time left in 2008 of my life is to enjoy it
And Find something or someone is important to me
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My life in Secondary school is getting shorter and shorter....
It's like the Story of life brief candle....
Out Out...
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PMr teached me something very important tat is we should not waste our time in useless thing and doing something meaningless....
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If we waste all our time in the past we should chase b time and keep on surviving.....
bcs after some perioud ....surviving is our only task and making other to be happy and better is the only thing we must fulfill
My task for this year ended.....
So prepare.....
U might be my next target....
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Wroten By> , > Mr>L

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