Monday, June 8, 2009

What is a teacher's day?? Hari guru lor!! [29thMay]

^^ ppl always say tat we must look forward. do not look back at the past..

well, nvm la.. i'm bringing u guys back to 29th of may now..which is our SMK USJ 13 teacher's day.

Me [sh] did not plan to attend teacher's day wan.. haihs wat to do? wanted to pass up my book.
juz to get extra 2 marks for exam paper.. go oni la!!

I look horrible haha
i lined up at the tapak perhimpunan..sien nor!! [lonely, i'm so lonely~]

no la, at least my kawans came also..hehe ^^
went hari guru..not a bad choice tho.. enjoyed the teacher's day.. with my kawans.

Tat not me is my twin small eye brother...hey ya...

---->>> Chen shin, Shihao, jie, darren, LT! --->>

Haiyo, where's ken wee?
He would love o sit beside ehm...haha Darren wan die???
well, talking bout ken wee.. he was not in the pic becuz he dtg late la..[i guess so]
he came late, but he was juz in time to watch LY's performance!! so lucky ^^

Do they look addorable??haha May not here dun worry DArren...

- SMK USJ 13 Choir group -

Pn. zuana n Ian's nice guitar plying n amazing voice!! [fall for u]
well, there r still lots of bands n dances.. but lazy to upload the pics la.. anyway, let's juz end this post with...


Credit to Meiteng

Post by ^

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