Monday, April 6, 2009

April 4.....
Tat day I planed out with the guys...^^
This could say a celebration for my birthday >,<
Went outside sunway piramid 1 steamboat buffet shop with BBQ...
YUUM YUUUUM the beef BBQ there is very nice...

Group pic
Take 1
(yeanjen,me,david,kiat teng and kuan keen)

Take 2
AIY David shrink liao???

The gay lou...dunno why alot pic with him....
Credit to DAviD

He cant wait to take a bite on the chicken...
Tat why he is so fREAKING FAT

Yeanjen u ate alot see ur place...
Shihao:i know shh...after everyone knows it...say u ate de not me
Yeanjen:fine master...
Shihao:MUAHAHAHAHA good boy hehe

See the chopstick haha

Suffering cause of over eating O.o
This is why we should have the NILAI OF KESEDERHANAAN

Great DAY
Kuankeen puted beef,chicken wing..and all the stuff tat should be BBQ
In to the STEAMBOAT...
WIll u eat a chicken wing from steamboat??
DIscusting rite!!!
We should have 7 ppl but 1 of us(cikiat) dunwan celebrate with us...
He Gave us up for CHURCH...Grrr....RAWR
AND beside tat we watch 4fast 4furious....KUAnkeen bought the ticket for 1.20 but we reach at we miss the show for 20 min...dulan haha...But we cant blame him also...cause we planned reach there around 12 but i scam him say we are coming but we were EATING at USJ 14 'Keke keke'
I dunwan pull this post any longer le la...
so tat all... TATA

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