Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15
A wonderfull day...
Sunny day ...
Not a bad thing happened today>,<
So i juz came back from summit with my family...
We go the main purpose is to eat sushiking...
bcs it having a promotion...every colour plate RM2 only...
Line up 1 hour standing there.....
With my Back acheing...
Eat like 30 min then ciow le haha....
we ate 47 plate ...WoW
record for my family ..
is damn darn cheap Rm110 only...
And Kiat teng was there also haha!!!
so Ngam ....
He was as usual as school..
ALWAYs kena Bully haha
Lining up alone T_T''
So Let talk my school life...
Kenwee is goin on MENSTUATION....
He is very High and emotionally bad....
And he dunwan talk to her X target haha...
He wan SAyUr le i think >,<
O,O he called me dun tell out...but i think he wont know also de la MUAHAHAHAHA
And i havent find Ms.LEE yet so dun simply say infront of .....!!!!RAWR
Tat all Ciow ciao...

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