Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kena tease DAY

My Day

People people...Why USj 13 student dunno how to admire The art of english...
But although some people dunnot admire my english i wont mind...T_T

Haha now i start my story...
Baby can u see ,i am writing,although my english are not good,but i still writing Xp
Today before goin school,i dream of something funny...the dream start with i gone to CC then i bought a burger tat cause me Rm55 haha ...tat my dream >.<
After i woke i brush my teeth and bath
1 more thing i wash my face also with pimple cream also....
And i gone to school,Bla bla bla all the boring stuff
My geo teacher change le HAHA the teacher talk like machine gun tat cant pause...
But she ok....
And then BRENDA MAK insult My art Of english ...Gona cry le RAWR ';..;'
And i juz found out tat 我爱华语 ^^
Now i am very Hard working Learning 华语
And by The way My old fren came back to school le....
we must always be happy and dun fell sad although people tat are close to u are leaving u
Tat almost everything Happen for today


Tq for Reading

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